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Early Literacy at OWL

Early Literacy is a key aspect of OWL’s children’s programming.

We believe strongly in the importance of not only reading, but deep reading.

We believe we are partners with parents, caregivers, and the child in helping them to learn to read and enjoy reading. Through program events, services, and materials, we offer the resources that can help make this happen.

Studies show that reading aloud with parents or caregivers is the most important activity when it comes to preparing children to read on their own.

Continuing to read aloud together, even after children know how to read on their own, is a way to keep families connected and helps provide opportunities for family discussion.





Book a Reading Specialist

If you or your child/teen needs help with a reading acquisition, book an appointment with us! Nearly everyone can learn to read if taught in ways that they can learn. Our Early Reading Specialist will guide you to resources and solutions to ensure that you or your child/teen reads to their highest potential, comfortably, joyfully and deeply.
Appointments are in person at the library and are for approximately 30 minutes. You can book up to four Book-a-Reading Specialist sessions. This service requires both the child/teen and caregiver to attend. Reach out to our Early Literacy Specialist, Caroline Ugurlu (cugurlu at to book an appointment.


Resources and Materials

At OWL we are happy to help direct parents, caregivers, and teachers to resources and materials. We also believe strongly in pairing every child with books that match their interests and encourage their lifelong love of reading, as well as helping families choose the perfect titles to read aloud together.

The Oliver Wolcott Library has an extensive collection of materials to promote early literacy, including board books for our youngest pre-readers, decodables for emerging readers, an early reader collection, and a large collection of picture books and chapter books for families to read aloud together.  We invite you to browse the collection and we are always here to help with selections! 


Programs and Services

Early Reading with direct Phonics-based instruction

Throughout the year, OWL offers direct reading instruction for our youngest readers through our partnerships with the Region 20 school district, grant-funded literacy programs here at OWL, and our ongoing early reading and early literacy programs. 

We partner with Letters Are Charactersa program designed to support the development of reading skills in young readers. Provided in the program are tools and essential information for parents and guardians, to foster the growth of reading acquisition.

To stay informed about all of our programs, subscribe to our Children’s E-list.

To register for the upcoming Letters Are Characters Early Literacy Program series, contact Caroline Ugurlu (cugurlu at


Questions and Help

If you have questions directly related to early literacy/literacy/reading acquisition, and/or Letters are Characters call or email:
Early Literacy and Library Curation Specialist
Caroline Wilcox Ugurlu, PhD, Wilson® Dyslexia Practitioner (W.D.P.),
email: cugurlu at

For readers advisory (what should I read next?), preschool literacy, and general questions regarding children’s services and programming call or email:
Youth Services Director
Patricia Moore, MLS (aka Mrs. Tricia)
email: pmoore at 


Creating the Reading Habit 

The greatest gift that you can give to children is time and attention. Reading to and with children develops a strong, solid bond and provides a framework to discuss important topics. Much of what we do as humans is generated from routines and habits. With that in mind, here are some reading habit tips that we hope you find helpful.

• Read to your children even when they are babies. Very young babies love to hear the sound of familiar voices and absorb much that helps their developing brains. They also find tasting books really fun.
• Choose a special cozy reading spot at home. Create it as a family activity.
• Read every day at about the same time so that it becomes part of your routine.
• Have a weekly library day. Choose books together and talk about interests.
• When reading with your children, take the time to explain unfamiliar words.
• Use illustrations as a way to talk about the story.
• Ask your children questions to check their comprehension during reading. For example:

“What do you think the character is feeling now?” (Did you know that reading increases empathy?)

“What do you think will happen next?”

“What are you picturing when I read this sentence/paragraph?”

• Make your time fun. Kids learn best when they are relaxed and playing.
• If your child loses interest, refocus by gently asking your child to find something on the page or choose another book.


Reading Fact & Literacy Resources

#1 – Reading happens in the brain and is a neurological process. Its’ acquisition is independent of intelligence. We need to wire our brains to read and some children need more repetition of science-based methods than others.

#2 – All Children learn best from explicit instruction about letter shapes and sounds. Phonemic awareness and phonics is important for all children and essential for more than 20%

#3 – The best time for early intervention is age 5 and 6. If your child is having difficulty recognizing letter symbols and matching them to sounds, don’t wait. Begin intervention.

#4 – A parent knows their child best. An involved parent can make all of the difference for a child who is struggling to read.


Why Reading is Important

“Reading with young children is a joyful way to build strong and healthy parent-child relationships, to foster early language skills and to promote children’s development.”

—James M. Perrin, MD, FAAP, AAP President

If we read to our children they will:

  • Do better in school
  • Be more empathetic
  • Be happier
  • Develop stronger bonds with you
  • Develop imagination and creativity
  • Have improved language skills
  • Be better at thinking, understanding, reasoning and problem-solving
  • Have a framework to talk about tough issues
  • Be more likely to read for fun.