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Library Card and Circulation Policy

The Oliver Wolcott Library encourages free and equal access to library materials to any of its cardholders in good standing, or any cardholder with a valid Connecticut public library card from their hometown library, regardless of that cardholder’s race, creed, national origin, age, place of residence, or other personal criteria.


It is the policy of the Oliver Wolcott Library that parents or guardians, not library staff or trustees, are responsible for monitoring and approving the selection of material made by children.  It is the parents or guardians, and only these, who may restrict their children, and only their children, from access to library material and/or services, including access to the internet.



An Oliver Wolcott Library card may be used to borrow materials at any public library in the State of Connecticut that participates in the BorrowIt Connecticut Library Service Program. Any person eighteen years of age or older, or the parent/guardian of any person under eighteen years of age, with an Oliver Wolcott Library card is responsible for all charged materials, associated fees, and notification of card loss or change of address.


All cards are free of charge. A $1.00 fee will be assessed for any lost cards.


Residents and Taxpayers: Any person who is a resident or taxpayer of the Town of Litchfield are eligible to have a library card. The person must present identification (such as a valid driver’s license or a post-marked envelope) showing a current Litchfield address or taxpayer status. Library cards are valid for three years.


Application forms for minors must have parent or guardian approval.  If the parent/guardian is not with the minor, an application form may be mailed to the home to be signed, and mailed back to the Library.  After receipt of the completed application, the library will issue a library card to the minor.


Teacher Cards: Teachers who teach at a public or private grade school located in Litchfield are eligible for a special library card. These cards are granted for one year, may be renewed annually, and can only be used at the Oliver Wolcott Library. The privilege of this card only extends to borrowing physical and digital materials. Applicants must provide proof of employment.



Reserves, Interlibrary Loans, Requests for Purchase

Reserves: Materials (except reference materials and serials) that are “on order” or in circulation may be reserved.


Loans placed through our shared Network of about 50 Connecticut libraries (Bibliomation): Items may be requested from libraries that belong to our shared network in the Bibliomation. Intra-library loans will be automatically filled by any Bibliomation library with an available copy. It will be delivered to the Oliver Wolcott Library for the requesting patron and can be returned to any public library.


Loans placed through the Out-of-Network ReQuestIt catalog: This catalog is out of our shared network. All inter-library loan materials must be returned to the library where the request was initiated. Renewals are at the discretion of the original library. The state requires certain procedures be followed and requests that require staff assistance even when placed online by a patron. Special loans requiring out-of-state, university, and/or special format (non-book) requests are sometimes subject to a charge by the lending library. In these instances, the patron will be notified prior to the fulfillment of the request of the charge and is required to pay the charge if they want the request to be continued.


Request for Purchase: Any library card holder may request an item for purchase for the collection. All requests will be reviewed according to the Oliver Wolcott Library Material Selection Policy. Requested items that are purchased will be placed on reserve for the requesting patron.


BorrowIt Connecticut Library Service Program

The Oliver Wolcott Library complies with the BorrowIt Connecticut guidelines as adopted by the Connecticut State Library. Any materials may be returned to any participating library.


Overdue Materials

The Oliver Wolcott Library maintains a “No Fines” policy for overdue items as long as they are returned to the Library in good condition. In lieu of fines, voluntary contributions to the “Conscience Box” are gratefully accepted.


As a courtesy, the Library attempts to reach patrons about overdue materials. Borrowers are responsible for returning materials on time and in good condition.


Suspension of Library Borrowing Privileges

A patron’s borrowing privileges will be temporarily suspended if an item is 60 days overdue, or there are 10 items or more that are overdue by a single day. Delinquent accounts may be forwarded to another agency for collection. Borrowing privileges will be reinstated when the overdue item or items are either returned in good condition or paid for. However, in cases of continued misuse of borrowing privileges, the Library Director may suspend that borrower’s privileges for an indefinite period.


Every effort will be made to handle suspension of borrowing privileges with the utmost discretion and courtesy. Such suspension is not meant as a punitive measure. Rather, suspension is viewed as a necessary measure in order to sustain availability of library materials for all patrons.


Lost or Damaged Materials

The fee for replacing an item which is lost or damaged beyond repair is the current replacement cost of the item. Out of print materials from the collection incur a fee of $25 or the current replacement cost whichever amount is higher.


Receipts will be issued upon receipt of fee payment.  After payment of a fee, a damaged item may be kept by the patron.  Refunds for found items are not possible.


The library is not responsible for any damage to patron’s equipment that may be incurred while playing or downloading library-provided material.



The circulating collection is available for loan. An item in circulation is considered on loan until it is returned intact. Adult reference materials are available for overnight loan at the discretion of the Library Director. Most library materials are eligible for automatic renewal. Library material may be renewed one time either manually or through automatic renewal unless a hold has been placed on the item by another patron. Recognizing that the library seeks to provide equitable access to its materials for all patrons, patrons may be limited in the number of items they can borrow at one time on a single topic, or borrow at one time.


Loan periods are determined by the type of material and determined by the Bibliomation Consortium, our shared network of libraries. Please contact the Oliver Wolcott Library if you have a question about loan periods.




Adopted March 2003. Revised January 2006, July 2006, January 2007, July 2014, January 2023, April 16, 2024.