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Materials Selection Policy and Reconsideration Form


I. Purpose of Policy


The Oliver Wolcott Library’s Materials Selection Policy serves as a guide for authorized personnel in the selection and withdrawal of library materials. It also serves to inform the public of the criteria upon which library materials are selected and withdrawn. The Oliver Wolcott Library supports intellectual freedom and subscribes to the Library Bill of Rights, The Freedom to Read Statement, and the related supportive documents of the American Library Association.


II. Responsibility for Materials Selection


The selection of books and other library materials is the responsibility of the Library Director and under his or her direction, other members of the library staff, in accordance with the selection guidelines herein described.


III. Selection Criteria


Library materials are diverse in topic, format, and other characteristics. Each type of item must be considered in terms of its own merit and the audience for whom it is intended. No single set of selection criteria can be applied in all cases.


The following criteria are used in selecting materials:

  • Favorable reviews from sources listed in Section IV and V
  • Reputation of author, publisher, musical artist, filmmaker, and/or audio creator
  • The degree of interest to library users and the community as a whole
  • Contribution of the item towards strengthening the existing collection
  • Popular demand
  • Timeliness or permanence
  • Value commensurate with cost and/or need
  • Local author and/or local interest
  • Reading, viewing or listening level in relation to audience target
  • Suitability of format for library use and content



IV. Sources of Selection


Reviews in library and publishing industry periodicals are primary sources for materials selection. Reputable bibliographies, booklists by recognized authorities, list of recent national or regional award winners, and the advice of competent individuals and/or entities in specific subject areas also are used. Suggestions from the general public are also accepted and considered.


V. Review Media


Review media include, but are not limited to, the following:


  • Booklist
  • Library Journal
  • School library Journal
  • Publisher’s Weekly
  • The New York Times Book Review
  • The New York Times Bestseller List


VI. Online Collection & Website


The Library has an established presence as a 24/7 virtual branch at The website serves as a gateway to the Library’s online presence. This includes a growing number of services including but not limited to online databases and online collections. The online collection is selected based on the same principles set forth in this policy.


VII. Gifts


Gift materials shall be judged by the criteria herein outlined and shall be accepted or rejected for the collection accordingly. This decision is the responsibility of the Library Director and under his or her direction, other members of the library staff.


VIII. Replacement and Mending


The library does not automatically replace or mend books or other materials because of loss, damage or wear. In each case, the need for replacement and/or mending is weighed with regard to several factors including but not limited to: circulation of that item, number of copies owned, extent of adequate coverage of the field, other similar materials in the collection, ability to mend the item, and demand.


IX. Guidelines for Evaluation and Deaccessioning


Library collections, not being static, require an active weeding and discarding policy. The collection should be active, up-to-date and useful to its clientele. Candidates for weeding include but are not limited to:

  • Outdated materials
  • Items no longer of interest or in demand
  • Duplicate copies
  • Worn or damaged items
  • Frequency of circulation
  • Community interest
  • Availability of newer and more valid materials.


X. Access to Collection


Materials will be freely and easily accessible to the public. Patrons are free to select or reject for themselves any item in the collection. Children are not limited to the children’s collection, although juvenile materials are kept together to facilitate use. Responsibility for a child’s reading, listening, or viewing must rest with the parent or guardian.


XI. Objections and Complaints


Only a Litchfield resident can submit an objection or complaint under this Section XI.  Objections to materials owned by the library should be made in writing, giving reasons in detail. Material Reconsideration Forms are available for this purpose. Within fifteen business days, the Library Director, the Youth Services Director, and one additional MLS-degreed or professional librarian on staff will comprise the Staff Reconsideration Committee and will review the material in question, make an initial determination on the request, and discuss it with the person who challenged the material.


If the individual is not satisfied with the decision, a written appeal may be submitted within 10 business days to the Board of Trustees. The entire Board of Trustees will comprise the Reconsideration Appeals Committee.  Within thirty business days, the Board of Trustees’ Reconsideration Committee will meet with the Library Director and will make a final determination about the materials.


Decisions of the Board of Trustees will be final. The Library Director and the Board of Trustees will use this policy including the Reconsideration Committee Process and Reconsideration Committee Report Form, the Library Bill of Rights, The Freedom to Read Statement, and the related supportive documents of the American Library Association to help make its final determination of any challenged materials.


Material Reconsideration Form


Resource on which you are commenting:

Book or E-Book:        DVD:         Magazine or Newspaper:         Database:     

Audio Recording:         Music CD:         Streaming Media:         Other:  

Author/Producer: _________________________________________________________

Title: ___________________________________________________________________

Publisher: ___________________         Date of Publication:_______________________

Your Name: _____________________________________________________________ 

Telephone: ______________________________________________________________

Mailing Address: __________________________________________________________

1. What concerns you about the material in question? 


2. What brought this resource to your attention?


3. What do you feel would be a fair action for the organization to take regarding the material?

4. Have you examined the entire resource? If not, what sections did you review? If you have not, what sections have you reviewed?


Signature: _______________________           Date:_________________


Staff Signature:_____________________        Date:_________________

Library Director Signature:_______________     Received on: ___________

Adopted October 2022


Staff Reconsideration Committee


As outlined in our Materials Selection Policy, the Staff Reconsideration Committee will comprise of the Library Director, the Youth Services Director, and one additional MLS-degreed or professional librarian on the library staff.  This is the first committee that reviews any objections and complaints.


As outlined in our Materials Selection Policy, if the individual is not satisfied with the decision of the Staff Reconsideration Committee, then a written appeal may be submitted to the Board Reconsideration Committee.


Board Reconsideration Committee


As outlined in our Materials Selection Policy, the Board Reconsideration Committee will comprise the entire Board of Trustees.


Process for Staff and Board Reconsideration Committees


Both the Staff and Board Reconsideration Committees are to employ the following in their review process, as outlined by the American Library Association as some of the best practices for reconsideration.


  • Bear in mind the principles of the freedom to read and base your decision on these broad principles rather than on defense of individual materials. The freedom to read is essential to our democracy.
  • Read or watch all materials referred to you including the full text of the material in question and read available reviews.
  • Review library mission statement, policies, and professional guides.
  • The general acceptance of the materials should be checked by consulting standard evaluation aids, such as those outlined in our Materials Selection Policy, and any other relevant library policies.
  • Challenged materials should not be removed from the collection while under reconsideration.
  • Passages or parts should not be pulled out of context. The values and faults should be weighed against each other and the opinions based on the materials as a whole.
  • While there may be a need for public comments to be heard, the reconsideration meeting should be closed.
  • The committee’s recommendation is to be an objective evaluation of the material within the scope of a library’s Materials Selection Policy.
  • The report, presenting both majority and minority opinions, should be presented.  The Staff Reconsideration Committee will present the Report to the individual who has issued the complaint.  If an appeal is made, then the Staff Reconsideration Committee will forward their report to the Board Reconsideration Committee.  The Board Reconsideration Committee will share their report with the Staff Reconsideration Committee and the individual who has made the complaint. In all reports, the Report will include either a recommendation to retain the material in its original location, to relocate the material to an advisory location, or to remove the material.
  • For communicating the Report, the Library Director will communicate the Staff Reconsideration Committee Report to the individual who has complained, and if needed, to the Board Reconsideration Committee.  For the Board Reconsideration Committee, the President of the Board will communicate their report to the Staff Reconsideration Committee and to the individual who has complained.





Reconsideration Committee Report


Title: _________________________________________


Author: _______________________________________


Has every member of the committee read or watched the material entirely?  If not, why and how many did not?




Resources consulted: (include policies, articles, reviews etc.)




Reconsideration committee recommends:




Justification and comments: (include majority and minority positions)



Date and Signatures of Reconsideration Committee Members (all members)




Approved October 2022. Revised February 26, 2024.